How to Eliminate Head Lice Naturally

How to Eliminate Head Lice Naturally

Head lice is common among young
and can turn your household upside down for days as you try to eliminate the nasty, annoying little creatures. For those who prefer a natural approaching to healing, head lice treatments can be extremely frightening, as they are pure chemicals. Fortunately, a simple natural remedy can help you eliminate head lice.

Things You'll Need:

Lavender essential oil

Olive oil

Shower cap(s)

Petroleum jelly


Apple cider vinegar


Nit comb


Add 10 drops of
essential oil for every 1/4 cup of olive oil and massage the oils into the scalp and hair thoroughly. Olive oil helps to eliminate head lice as it dissolves their exoskeletons to kill them. The lavender stops the itch and irritation caused by the lice. Cover your head with a shower cap and sleep with the treatment in.


Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the eyebrows if nits are present. Reapply it several times a day until you completely eliminate the lice.


Remove and throw away the shower cap and then shampoo the hair as usual. You may need to shampoo twice to remove all of the olive oil; however, do not use a conditioner. Rinse the scalp and hair completely with apple cider vinegar after shampooing which helps to loosen the glue that holds lice eggs on the hair. Rinse with hot water.


Comb the hair to remove tangles and then use a nit comb to eliminate as many eggs as possible and then allow the hair to dry naturally.


Continue this natural head lice treatment every other day until there is no sign of lice or eggs.

How to Eliminate Carpal Tunnel with Flaxseed Oil

How to Eliminate Carpal Tunnel with Flaxseed Oil

I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome fifteen years ago. Rather than have it treated medically, I fought the condition with a common item. The condition has not returned, and I did have to change my job or my diet.

Things You'll Need:


Flaxseed oil in liquid or capsule form


Once a day, take a teaspoon or a capsule of flaxseed oil with water.


Repeat Step 1 for 2 weeks.


After one month, the carpal tunnel discomfort should be completely gone. To maintain the healing, take a dose of flaxseed oil every other day.

Tips & Warnings

If you do not notice a change in your discomfort after one month, discontinue taking the oil.

If you have difficulty digesting oils, this remedy could give you diarrhea.

How to Eliminate Allergies With Ayurveda

How to Eliminate Allergies With Ayurveda

If you've ever suffered from a severe bought of allergies, you've likely sought out remedies to help minimize symptoms. While some remedies work, many are simply palliative and don't get at the root of the problem. Ayurveda seeks to eliminate allergies by restoring the overall health of the body.


Eliminate toxins from your body through panchakarma. Ridding your body of toxins facilitates circulation and reduces hypersensitivity to environmental triggers.


Consult with your Ayurveda practitioner to select an antioxidant-rich herbal formula or rasayana that will eliminate free radicals from your body.


Cook with allergy fighting herbs, such as tumeric, sage, red pepper, cumin and coriander.


Balance your nervous system by getting professional hot oil massages. Give yourself brief hot oil massages every morning.


Learn the practice of Jala Neti, which refers to nasal passage irrigation. This method flushes impurities from the nose, re-establishing nasal breathing.


Maintain a journal of how you feel after eating foods you suspect may be causing your allergies. Eliminate these foods one by one and observe if your symptoms change.


Follow the basic principles of Ayurveda, such as getting adequate sleep, maintaining regular sleeping and eating routines and relaxing the body through daily meditation.

Tips & Warnings

Don't eat heavy foods or dairy products if you're having respiratory congestion, which is indicative of Kapha irritation.

How to Eliminate Age Spots Using Home Remedies

How to Eliminate Age Spots Using Home Remedies

As we age, our skin wrinkles and age spots can appear. The problem is, age spots are not only caused by natural aging. The spots can also be caused by the sun. Age spots can be a sign of skin cancer caused by the sun if they are not treated or eliminated properly. There are many different ways to eliminate age spots by using simple, effective home remedies.

Things You'll Need:


Apple cider vinegar

Onion juice

Aloe Vera juice or gel

Lemon juice

Castor oil

Vitamin E oil


Use a good natural sunscreen. Sunscreen can prevent age spots in the first place by protecting your skin from the sun. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher for best results in preventing and getting rid of age spots.


Chop or grind an onion in a blender and use a strainer to extract the juice from the onion. Mix one part of apple cider vinegar and one part of onion juice together. Take a cotton pad and dab the vinegar and onion juice directly to your skin where the age spots are. Do this once per day for six weeks or until the age spots are gone.


Rub aloe vera juice or gel onto the age spots twice a day. You should see results of the aloe vera working within a month. If you do not see any results, keep applying the aloe vera until you do. Aloe vera is a natural healing product for skin.


Dab some fresh lemon juice directly onto the age spots twice a day or until the age spots are gone. Lemon juice is a natural way to eliminate age spots and other skin ailments. If you plan to go outside after using the lemon juice on your skin, wait until it dries because lemon juice can make the skin more sensitive to the sun. The lemon juice should eliminate the age spots within two months.


Rub some Castor oil onto the age spots once in the morning and again in the evening. Castor oil should eliminate the age spots within a month.


Apply some Vitamin E oil directly on the age spots every day to fade the age spots and eliminate them.

Tips & Warnings

You can also drink apple cider vinegar every day to speed up the process of eliminating age spots. Just mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of hot or cold water and drink it twice a day.

If these home remedies do not work, hide your age spots with makeup until you are able to see a dermatologist.

Try to stay in the shade as much as you can. Since the sun plays a major role in causing age spots, stay in the shade and use sunscreen when you are outside.

How to effectively relieve stress and tension headaches

How to effectively relieve stress and tension headaches

You can relieve stress accumulated on your shoulders which consequently get you tension headaches effectively from the comfort of your own home without taking any pills/medication - by a migraine sufferer!


Find a comfortable position and sit down preferably listening to some soft background music.


With the tip of your left fingers softly massage your right shoulder until you find the stress point/muscle which hurts most. Once you find the point that aches most, press down on it as hard as you can until the pain eases away. Repeat this until the pain eases out completely - this will take about 5 minutes or so.


Repeat the same steps with your right fingers to your left shoulder.


When you are done and using your index fingers lightly massage the corners of your forehead - again try to find the pain that hurts most, press on it for a minute, lightly massage again.


When you are finished, step in the shower and let the warm water (as hot as you can handle) massage your shoulders.


This will lead to a good night's sleep and you can say bye bye to your headache :-)

Tips & Warnings

I suffer from frequent migraine headaches, I tried all sort of pain killers but after some time they stopped working, my body just got used to them. I found this method to work every time, especially if I do it when I have 10 minutes alone, preferably in the dark and with some soft background music.

If your headaches persist, please do consult your doctor!

How to Effectively Get Rid of Hiccups

How to Effectively Get Rid of Hiccups

It seems odd, but it works every time.

Things You'll Need:

the hiccups


Acquire the hiccups.


Get a glass of cool water.


Have one arm straight down by your side. Slowly raise it in a half circle motion, until it is above your head. Then slowly bring it back down. Do this while slowly drinking the glass of water. Works every time!

How to Eat Yogurt to Treat Bladder Stones

How to Eat Yogurt to Treat Bladder Stones

Almost exclusively a men's health concern, bladder stones can cause abdominal pain, difficulty urinating and infections. While not all the causes of bladder stones are known, inadequate hydration and untreated urological conditions are believed to be the primary culprits in their formation. They form when minerals and proteins already present in urine condense into hardened masses. These masses can scrape the inside of the bladder or block the flow of urine. Yogurt with live cultures can help to treat this condition and contribute to overall good bladder health.

Things You'll Need:

Optional: Probiotic supplements

Yogurt with live bacteria cultures

See Your Doctor First


Visit your doctor for a diagnosis of your symptoms. Your physician may test your urine, examine your prostate and/or send you for a pelvic x-ray before making an official diagnosis.


Discuss your treatment plan and any prescribed medications with your physician.


Ask about the best type of over-the-counter pain reliever to treat pain and discomfort associated with this condition.

Treat Your Condition


Purchase yogurt with live bacteria. The nutrition label should state that live and/or active cultures were used in the product.


Eat the yogurt during regular meals and/or as a between-meal snack. Mix in a little cranberry or blueberry jam for a treat.


Ensure adequate hydration by drinking no less than six 8-oz. glasses of water each day.


Take a break from alcohol and caffeine during the treatment phase.

Prevent Recurrence


Continue to eat yogurt with live cultures on a regular basis.


Avoid dehydration. Continue to drink several ounces of water each day. Make sure to drink extra water when consuming beverages with caffeine or alcohol that can contribute to dehydration.


Schedule an appointment with your doctor for a thorough follow-up physical examination.

Tips & Warnings

Consider making homemade yogurt using refrigerated or frozen bacteria to ensure the quality and sustainability of the cultures.

Consider taking a probiotic supplement in addition to regularly eating yogurt.

Individuals with dairy allergies or dietary restrictions may find soy based yogurts to be an effective substitute.

If the bladder stones have a high concentration of calcium, calcium rich foods should be avoided.

Yogurt may cause constipation; drink plenty of extra water and ensure that you eat enough fiber.

Bladder stones may be indicative of an undiagnosed urological issue. Make sure to follow up with your doctor after the bladder stones have passed.