How to Eliminate Carpal Tunnel with Flaxseed Oil

How to Eliminate Carpal Tunnel with Flaxseed Oil

I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome fifteen years ago. Rather than have it treated medically, I fought the condition with a common item. The condition has not returned, and I did have to change my job or my diet.

Things You'll Need:


Flaxseed oil in liquid or capsule form


Once a day, take a teaspoon or a capsule of flaxseed oil with water.


Repeat Step 1 for 2 weeks.


After one month, the carpal tunnel discomfort should be completely gone. To maintain the healing, take a dose of flaxseed oil every other day.

Tips & Warnings

If you do not notice a change in your discomfort after one month, discontinue taking the oil.

If you have difficulty digesting oils, this remedy could give you diarrhea.