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It's uh... not my best monitor, the resolution doesn't even touch my monitor. solo 6 o 7, salen a la venta. arcade ambience mp3s playing, wahcade running as my frontend for it all. "I'm fine," he said. "I really am. I'm on a whole new plan, in a whole new situation. You get remnants of … I miss the heck out of Orlando. It's a great place. Any time you spend a lot of time somewhere, it's great to reminisce. I'm still having trouble lifting my girlfriend. "Any time you've been somewhere and known a lot of guys —- I've known Chipper [Jones - forever and known [Tom - Glavine forever —- you miss it. You go back to all the times you had. He got off easy if you ask me. There are so many decent single people out there. Go Lions!!!! wow 16 years, should have just went with good old slapping or belt. Get rid of this ***** first. Did anyone else first notice the "naked" at step 5? 9o| 5t| 4r|